Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pratt Fine Art Center Reception for Jane Lackey

Artist and educator Jane Lackey was the honored guest at a reception on March 15, 2009. Ms. Lackey was celebrated at the end of a brief residency at the Pratt Fine Art Center, in Seattle, that included instruction and a lecture. The reception was held in the home of Michael and Cathy Casteel. Ms. Casteel is a Pratt Fine Art Center trustee. 

Jane Lackey (center)

Cathy Casteel (in the middle)

Michael Casteel

SRJO Reception for Toshiko Akiyoshi

The Seattle Repertory Jazz Orchestra (SRJO) performed with special guest Toshiko Akiyoshi on March 7, 2009, in the Nordstrom Recital Hall of Benaroya Hall, and on March 8, 2009, at the Kirkland Performance Center. A composer and pianist, Ms. Akiyoshi was recognized as an NEA Jazz Master by the National Endowment for the Arts in 2007.

A reception was held after the Benaroya Hall performance:

SRJO co-director and drummer Clarence Acox

SRJO co-director and lead alto saxophonist Michael Brockman

Toshiko Akiyoshi

SRJO trumpet player Thomas Marriott

SRJO’s Clarence Acox, saxophonist Mark Taylor & Phil Sparks

SRJO board chairman Fletch Waller (far right)

SRJO trumpet player Jay Thomas (middle)

Earshot Jazz (event co-sponsor) executive director John Gilbreath

Willard Jenkins, National Endowment for the Arts consultant

SRJO staffer Ellie Gittelman

SRJO staffer Nicole Barnes & Michael Brockman

SRJO board member Anthony Greenwall (right) & his wife Jean

Liis Todd & Toshiko Akiyoshi

Betsy Brockman & Jay Thomas

Vicki Brown, Toshiko Akiyoshi & Bruce Moore

Friday, May 22, 2009

Greg Kucera and Larry Yocom Host Henry Contemporaries

On March 3, 2009, the Henry Contemporaries enjoyed a collection visit at the home of Greg Kucera and Larry Yocom. 

Greg Kucera

Henry Art Gallery director Sylvia Wolf (left) and Greg Kucera

Henry Art Gallery chief curator Elizabeth Brown

Your blogger on the left backed by his wife, Liis Todd